Command: con --new 22 ssh | Container Owner: hieuxyz Connection 'ssh' created successfully on port 22. ------------- __/\\\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\\____________/\\\\____/\\\\\\\\\_____ _\/\\\/////////\\\_\/\\\\\\________/\\\\\\__/\\\///////\\\___ _\/\\\_______\/\\\_\/\\\//\\\____/\\\//\\\_\///______\//\\\__ _\/\\\\\\\\\\\\\/__\/\\\\///\\\/\\\/_\/\\\___________/\\\/___ _\/\\\/////////____\/\\\__\///\\\/___\/\\\________/\\\//_____ _\/\\\_____________\/\\\____\///_____\/\\\_____/\\\//________ _\/\\\_____________\/\\\_____________\/\\\___/\\\/___________ _\/\\\_____________\/\\\_____________\/\\\__/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_ _\///______________\///______________\///__\///////////////__ Runtime Edition PM2 is a Production Process Manager for Node.js applications with a built-in Load Balancer. Start and Daemonize any application: $ pm2 start app.js Load Balance 4 instances of api.js: $ pm2 start api.js -i 4 Monitor in production: $ pm2 monitor Make pm2 auto-boot at server restart: $ pm2 startup To go further checkout: ------------- [PM2] Spawning PM2 daemon with pm2_home=/root/.pm2 [PM2] PM2 Successfully daemonized [PM2] Starting /usr/bin/holesail in fork_mode (1 instance) [PM2] Done. ┌────┬────────┬─────────────┬─────────┬─────────┬──────────┬────────┬──────┬───────────┬──────────┬──────────┬──────────┬──────────┐ │ id │ name │ namespace │ version │ mode │ pid │ uptime │ ↺ │ status │ cpu │ mem │ user │ watching │ ├────┼────────┼─────────────┼─────────┼─────────┼──────────┼────────┼──────┼───────────┼──────────┼──────────┼──────────┼──────────┤ │ 0 │ ssh │ default │ N/A │ fork │ 267 │ 0s │ 0 │ online │ 0% │ 33.5mb │ root │ disabled │ └────┴────────┴─────────────┴─────────┴─────────┴──────────┴────────┴──────┴───────────┴──────────┴──────────┴──────────┴──────────┘ Started 'ssh' using PM2 on port 22. Connection 'ssh' created successfully with connector: dtJ62meMa3cnB7uowPpA0kMms