# HamsterKombat.io AutoBot It's not a mouse clicker **_Autobot for the game HamsterKombat:_** - Collecting passive income - Clicker (makes automatic taps for all energy) - PUMPING. The bot itself pumps the mining for the amount specified in the settings once at a certain time - Does not require an open telegram or phone All instructions are attached in our [Youtube ](https://youtu.be/ZUgaNSSSD2Y) #### Dependencies: - [NodeJS 16+](https://nodejs.org/en) - run npm install token : _SCnqaSoXwx$MTM1NDQxMTQzLjE2MzY2MTcy$IWLyWehxrP5qXFEngWyw$NzM4NTc0OTUzMTk0NjA=$MTM1NDQxMTQzLjE2MzY2MTcyuDSkqQks6E5QGqHecgennw5wK_