# ANYA-MULTIDEVICE Script WhatsApp Bot Multi Device ## NOTE This Script is for everyone, not for Sale. Jika dijual neraka menunggumu brother !


This is Script of WhatsApp multi device, working with [`@adiwajshing/baileys`](https://github.com/adiwajshing/baileys) ## UNTUK PENGGUNA WINDOWS/RDP * Unduh & Instal Git [`Klik Disini`](https://git-scm.com/downloads) * Unduh & Instal NodeJS [`Klik Disini`](https://nodejs.org/en/download) * Unduh & Instal FFmpeg [`Klik Disini`](https://ffmpeg.org/download.html) (**Jangan Lupa Tambahkan FFmpeg ke variabel lingkungan PATH**) ```bash git clone https://github.com/RiskiRj/ANYA-MULTIDEVICE cd ANYA-MULTIDEVICE npm install ``` ## HOW TO CONNECT TO MONGODB WHEN RUN IN HEROKU * Create account and database in mongodb atlas [`watch here`](https://youtu.be/rPqRyYJmx2g) * when you already have a database, you just need to take mongourl * Put mongourl in Procfile `web: node . --db 'mongourl'` * Example `web: node . -- db 'Your Mongo URI'` ## FOR TERMUX/UBUNTU/SSH USER ```bash apt update && apt upgrade apt install git -y apt install nodejs -y apt install ffmpeg -y git clone https://github.com/RiskiRj/ANYA-MULTIDEVICE cd ANYA-MULTIDEVICE npm install ``` ## RECOMMENDED INSTALL ON TERMUX ```bash pkg install yarn yarn ``` ## Installing ```bash $ node . ``` ## ❗ Warning WhatsApp bot is still in the development stage, so there are a few bugs WhatsApp Connection (BETA, not working perfectly) Editing Number Owner & session name in [`config.js`](https://github.com/DikaArdnt/Hisoka-Morou/blob/master/config.js) Get Apikey zenz on [`zenz`](https://zenzapi.xyz/pricing) ## Thanks To * [`@adiwajshing/baileys`](https://github.com/adiwajshing/baileys) * [`Nurutomo`](https://github.com/Nurutomo) * [`DikaArdnt`](https://github.com/DikaArdnt) * [`Hisoka775`](https://github.com/Hisoka775) * [`RiskiRj`](https://github.com/RiskiRj) License: [MIT](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License)